Privacy Policy


8th September 2016.

Your Privacy

This privacy statement has been issued by Ezimed, subsidiary of Keka ABN 241 036 177 35. This statement is our privacy policy and it sets out how we handle your personal information in accordance with the requirements of the Privacy Act and other laws that protect the privacy of individuals.

Patients: our “customers”

This Privacy Statement applies to you if you are one of our customers, that is:

  • you are a patient of Ezimed; or
  • a dependent child under your care is a patient of Ezimed,

(our “customer”).

If you are our customer, we may have access to your personal information, including health information, in the course of providing services to you. These services may include:

  • telephone discussions, email exchanges and text confirmations with and to you regarding services you may need; assessing your needs;
  • providing medical consultations through our doctors, this may include making notes, providing information or referrals to specialists or other health professionals, including your regular GP, and the provision of repeat prescriptions; and
  • communicating with other health care providers including specialists, pathology services, diagnostic imaging services, pharmacists, other medical practitioners and other health professionals.

The kinds of information we collect and hold :

Depending on the particular circumstances, we may collect and hold a range of different information about you as part of providing our services.

The types of personal information we may collect include:

  • your name, and contact details, (including address, email address, mobile telephone number, landline telephone number, fax number and last 4 digits of medicare number);
  • your age;
  • health information including images and diagnostic information; usernames or passwords used to access our services; and
  • records of your communications and interactions with us.

Your system security

You should be aware that your own email may not be secure, so care should be taken with images and information being sent from your system.

If you send information from a system provided by your workplace, you should also be aware of any policies that allow your employer to view your emails and attached documents and images.

How we collect personal information

We may collect personal information from customers, and relevant health professionals in a number of ways, including:

  • directly from you or someone caring for you (such as where you provide information to us when you visit our website, contact us with a query or request, make an appointment, or have a consultation with one of our doctors). This may include images, previous medical information and reports from other healthcare professionals;
  • when legally authorised or required to do so;
  • from the third parties we list in the section of this statement with the heading “When we disclose your personal information”;
  • through telephone call recording;
  • through customer surveys and questionnaires which may be undertaken to ensure ongoing high quality of service;
  • from publicly available sources of information; and
  • from our records of how you use our products or services.

If you choose not to provide certain information about you, we may not be able to provide you with the services you require, or the level of service on which we pride ourselves.

How we hold personal information.

We may store personal information in hard copy or electronic format, in storage facilities that we own and operate ourselves, or that are owned and operated by our service providers. We take reasonable steps to maintain the security of personal information and to protect it from unauthorised use and disclosure.

Ezimed does not transfer your personal information to any country outside Australia.

How we use personal information

We may use the personal information of our customers and prospective customers for a range of different purposes:

  • to provide and support our services, including medical services and secure communications;
  • to send clinical information to other healthcare providers including, subject to your consent, your usual healthcare providers;
  • to administer and manage the products and services we provide, to charge and bill for them, and to collect any amounts owing;
  • to gain an understanding of your needs, to perform research and analysis, and to improve or develop our products and services;
  • to monitor network use, quality and performance, and to operate, maintain, develop, test and upgrade our systems and infrastructure; or
  • as authorised or required by law.

When we disclose personal information

We may provide the personal information of our customers and prospective customers (excluding health or sensitive information) to other health professionals and also to third parties who provide services to us, including organisations and contractors that assist us with the purposes for which we use that personal information. These services include:

  • customer enquiries;
  • information technology and network services;
  • mailing operations; and
  • billing and debt-recovery functions.

We may also exchange personal information of our customers where appropriate:

  • with third party vendors;

We may provide information, including health information, about you to your usual medical practitioner. This will be done subject to your consent.

Where needed we may also provide information about you in referrals to other healthcare practitioners, such as medical specialists.

Third Party Contractors

From time to time, we engage third party contractors to provide support services in relation to particular products and services.

Whenever a third party contractor requires access to personal information in order to provide a particular service, we contractually oblige them to protect the confidentiality of such information.

We take the privacy and confidentiality of customer information very seriously, and have implemented a range of measures to protect that information including, depending on the circumstances:

  • strict monitoring and access controls regulating which staff can access particular information; and
  • network and premises security.

Telephone call recording

To ensure that Ezimed maintains its high standard of clinical care, we record calls to our service and we will comply with relevant legislation.

Health Records

We will comply with legislation governing health records to the extent it applies.

Your rights/further information

How to access or correct your personal information or make a privacy complaint

If you wish to access any of your personal information that we hold or would like to correct any errors in that information, please contact us using the contact information on this website so that we can consider and respond to your request. We may apply an administrative charge for providing access to your personal information in response to a request.

You may also use these contact details to notify us of any privacy complaint you have against us, including if you think that we have failed to comply with the Australian Privacy Principles or any binding APP code that has been registered under the Privacy Act;1988 (Cth). While we hope that we will be able to resolve any complaints you may have without needing to involve third parties, you may also be able to lodge a complaint with a relevant regulator such as the Australian Information Commissioner ( or 1300 363 992).

About this statement

This statement is effective as of 8th September 2016. From time to time, we may need to change this statement. If we do so, we will post the updated version on our website